Assistant Professor, U. of Minnesota
I am an Assistant Professor in the Department of Strategic Management & Entrepreneurship at the Carlson School of Management at the University of Minnesota. My research sits at the intersection of strategic management, corporate sustainability, and innovation. My current research explores why organizations span market boundaries, and how boundary-spanning shapes inter-organizational competition and collaboration. I earned my Ph.D. in Management and Organizations from Cornell University, my M.A. in Public Policy from Johnson Hopkins University, and my B.A. in Journalism from Fudan University. Before starting my academic journey, I worked as a consultant at the World Bank to promote climate finance and sustainable energy access.
Carlson School of Management
University of Minnesota
321 19th Avenue South, Minneapolis MN 55455
Office: Rm 3-380
Email: xuegelu "at" umn "dot" edu
Others: @Carlson @GoogleScholar @LinkedIn